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tHaNkS fOr DrOpPiNg bY!!! mY pAgE iS uNdEr cOnstRuCtiOn!!! bUt fOr NoW heReS a rEaL gOoD pieCe i jUsT wRiTteN oN CaPiTaL PunIsHmEnT Capital Punishment for Juvenile Offenders Both of them raped her, beat her with a car jack and then dumped her lacerated body into the creek. The only difference between two of them was one is still a juvenile. He is only fifteen years old, and is sitting in Holman Prison in Alabama, waiting to be release. Is this just a "fiendish act" of an outbreak teenager? Should we teach them to become a better citizen, then reward them with toys? Should we throw money at the victims family and call it justice. Our lives are not games, and we should not treat it as one. And as a resulted of our carelessness, the raised of juvenile violent had increased from 1,311 in 1985 to 2,208 in 1989 according to FBI statistic. (Kahler., 1) Sure, we should give everyone a second chance, I meant they only killed once. But how would you feel if that one person they killed was someone you know, you cared for, and even loved them. Would you want criminals to have a second chance or would you rather see justice being served? I feel we need justice, therefore capital punishment for juvenile offenders should be enforce to deter teenage violence. When I was in elementary school, I learned the word "punishment," as well as being punished. I was taught not to steal, not to lie, not to hit one another; and if I did, I will punished like everyone else. There were days when me and other classmate had to stay back after class and wrote, "I will not throw paper air plane any more," 50 times on the board, and washed all the desks and tables because we tagged on it. And worst thing was having parents and teacher's conference about the fights between two classmates during recesses, and they ended up being suspended for days. As the crimes get critical, the punishment gets harsher. Like capital punishment they have to suffer for the consequences of their action. As a young child they couldn't distinguish between right and wrong, unless we teach them a lesson. Some people believe in teenagers having a better chance in rehabilitation than adults. Paula Cooper at the age of 15 was convicted for murdering a 85 year old teacher. Paula is now serving a lifetime in prison where she got her GED and have taken college courses. Paula is hoping one day she may be release. This is a great lesson that being taught, that they could kill someone and still get their GED, and one day they'll be free. How are we ever going to decrease crime rate, if we are promoting it? These juvenile offenders must be executed because they are depraved killers. They are a treat to society. They have reached the point where they are vicious predators. We are living in a civilized society. Will we become their target one day. Society should be able to protect us from these act of violence, even if they were committed by minor. What is moral and what is immoral? Is killing a juvenile immorally wrong even though they had committed a crime? Is it immorally wrong for them to kill someone? What is constitution? What is Justice? Is justice the act of letting one go free after brutally destroying someone else life just because they don't care about theirs lives. It is time that we look at the victims and their families point of view. The victim had dreams of their own, to rise a family to become someone and to cherish special memories with the one they loved. But now their families left with nothing more than a scar that cannot be covered with foundation, nor remove by surgery, it is a scar for life, that is imprinted within them forever. If teenagers could learn the basic facts of punishment at a young age, then they will learn to respect the law, as well as others. These teenagers will learn the consequences of there action. The death penalty is a deterrent to violent crime which will protect our society from future chaos. It is true that we don't hold juveniles at the same standards as adult. But there is a line where we must draw, where standard is not the question. A life is for a life, It is something society should stand up for. JUSTICE, therefore capital punishment for juvenile offender should be enforce. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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